Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Market Research- Q magazine

Language- The masthead of the magazine is Q. It is in the left hand corner and is very big and eyecatching because it is white writing on a red background. The headlines and feature headings are also fit in with the house style of white, red and black. Some of the feature headings are black writing on a white background and the headings on the right are all in red and white writing with no background. The image covers the whole of the front cover and it is a close up of a pop artist- Cheryl Cole. It is quite a dark photo which makes it intense and the colour of her lipstick matches with the house style of the magazine. This picture fits in with the sex symbol styled celebrity which will attract readers of both sex. It has a banner headline which is also in the house style.
Instiution- This magazine will have been produced by Bauer Media because they produce Q magazine. It is produced monthly at the price of £3.99
Ideology- This front cover gives out a message that Cheryl Cole can still look good even when it is raining on her which makes her appeal more to her fans because it gives them someone to inspire to be.
Audience- This front cover has a target audience aimed at both genders. The age range will probably be 16-24 because that age tend to listen to pop music because it is on the radio and television often and because the artists are featured in a lot of gossip magazines.
Representation- This front cover represents pop artists stereotypically because it is showing Cheryl Cole as a sex symbol and to be pretty which is what most pop artists tend have as their image because it attracts more fans from both sex's

Language- The house style has been carried on throughout the contents page as the the fonts and the colour scheme are still the same. They have a picture of a band which takes up about half of the page and it has a caption on it that tells you the page number of the article that they are in and it gives you a quote from the article which intrigues the audience and makes them want to read the article. It has the conventions of a features and a monthly section which includes a review section in it. All of the articles featured in the magazine have the page number next to them and a quote underneath them to give the audience an insight to what the article will be about.
Institution- This will have also been produced by Bauer Media as it is from the same magazine as the front cover.
Ideology- The contents page is there to guide people around the magazine and to show the readers where the articles that they want to read are. They put quotes under the articles to give away parts of the article
Audience- The audience will be the same as the audience for the front cover because they will usually read all of the magazine because they buy it because they want to read what is inside it.
Representation- The picture on the contents page is very different to the picture on the front page as the band are more Indie than pop artists which means that they try and convey a different image. They try and give out an individual image which is why their are stood on the top of a hill and they look like normal everyday people instead of tying to give off an image that want to look their best all the time like pop artists do.

Language- The house style is carried on throughout the double page spread as it still has the red, black and white colour scheme. One page is for the article and the other page is a close up of the artist which in this case is Madonna. The picture has a quote underneath it from the article which is quite big to draw attention to that before they read the article. The article itself is not very long because they have made the name of the artist and the headline of the article very big.
Institution-This double page spread will have been produced by Bauer Media as it is from the same magazine as the front cover and the contents page.
Ideology- The image of Madonna on this page gives out a message that she is a drama queen as she has the arm over her head which symbolises drama. This is also a representation of pop artists. They tend to be quite dramatic about everything
Audience- The audience will be the same as the people for the contents page and the front cover as they tend to buy the magazine for the articles inside.
Representation- The picture shows a stereotype of pop artists to be very demanding and dramatic and also shows off the sex symbol status as she is wearing leather gloves and a revealing jacket and top. She shows her diva side by wearing a lot of jewellery which shows off her power as an artist.

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